战斗激烈的世界里,力量的差距和牺牲常让人动容。南希仁凭借南山掌法与CP0的三位高手交锋,他那悲壮的败北让人痛心,但他的英勇牺牲又照亮了希望的道路,这样的故事既悲壮又感人。 南希仁的绝学 南希仁的南山掌法,刚柔相济,变化多端。在历次交锋中 ...
在海贼王动画的1105集中,未来岛的局势暂时得到了缓解。然而,一个更大的威胁正在逼近。由于卧底斯图西的突然叛变,路奇和卡库被俘获,CP0的威胁得以解除。得益于贝加庞克的高权限,炽天使的指令再次更改,成为了友军。 斯图西潜伏了20多年,终于华丽地 ...
《海贼王》世界,广袤无垠大海,承载着无数人梦想与冒险,这个充满未知与挑战世界里,每一个角色都演绎着属于自己传奇,而1131话到来,如同投入平静海面巨石,激起千层浪,将多弗拉明戈、CP0、乌索普这些看似毫无关联人物,紧紧地联系一起 曾经 ...
In this article, we focus on inspecting major characters from the One Piece universe and deducing their chances of winning against the high-profile CP0 agent, Rob Lucci. Nekomamushi of the Minks ...
Then Brook and Robin, who are running away from the CP0 agents, land on Fuga’s head when Kazenbo appears, burning everything in its way. Outside Onigashima, Momonosuke creates Flame Clouds to ...
However, they are then met by another “Vegapunk” Atlas. The three strongest CP0 agents thus far seem to be Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy. CP0 agents, along with a Seraphim who resembles Bartholomew Kuma, ...