PANews 3月22日消息,据 Decrypt 报道,美国 SEC 加密货币特别工作组负责人 Hester Peirce 表示,像 Stoner Cats 这样的加密货币项目(使用 NFT ...
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)委员 Hester Peirce 表示,类似 Stoner Cats 等通过 NFT 融资的加密项目应被豁免适用证券法规,SEC 或将很快就此发布相关说明。Peirce 在 SEC 首次加密圆桌会议期间表示,继此前声明工作量证明挖矿不属于证券后,NFT 可能是下一个被澄清的资产类别。她指出,如果能为 NFT 发行方提供可参考的框架,将有助于行业合规。Peirce ...
The lowest price for any NFT in a given collection across all marketplaces.
币界网消息, 比特币 Ordinals 项目 Taproot Wizards 拟拍卖 2121 枚 NFT 募资 3400 万美元,该项目去年出售了 3,000 只“量子猫”,以筹集对比特币改进提案(BIP) OP_CAT 的支持。尽管受到技术问题的困扰,该系列很快售罄,在此过程中筹集了 300 BTC。据悉从 3 月 25 日开始,Wizards 将以 0.2 BTC(16,000 美元)的价格 ...
The lowest price for any NFT in a given collection across all marketplaces.
and imploring passersby to “adopt an official Nyan Cat NFT today!” It leads to another website, which is another landing page, directing people to OpenSea, where anyone can buy NFTs of their ...
As for the blockchain and NFT accusations, the spokesperson said ... worth of footage and that "it looked real enough to me – cats looked wild". Your changes have been saved Email is sent ...
The crypto world is buzzing with excitement as meme coins continue to captivate investors. Ever wondered which ones could be ...