近年来,免疫治疗正在彻底改变癌症治疗的格局,而作为新兴靶点的LAG3(淋巴细胞活化基因-3)正逐渐引起科学界的关注。虽然LAG3的研究起始于1990年,但其在配体结合后的激活机制,在过往的研究中始终未能充分阐明。2025年的一项关键研究首次揭示了LAG3受体激活的分子开关机制,开辟了针对这一靶点的精准疗法的新方向。这项研究不仅揭示了LAG3的构象变化(埋藏与释放),同时开发了预测LAG3疗法疗效的 ...
Beijing Earthwise Technology Co. Ltd. has synthesized E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL-B inhibitors reported to be useful for the treatment of cancer.
Caliway's CBL-514 Phase 2 study (CBL-0202) has been accepted for publication in Aesthetic Surgery Journal (ASJ), the top-ranked journal in aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery.
CBL-514, the world's first investigational drug for large-area localized fat reduction, has demonstrated significant efficacy in its second and the last Phase 2b study (CBL-0205) before Phase 3 ...