It may take the form of an order or injunction issued by a court or government agency or a letter from an attorney, individual, or business. A cease and desist order or injunction has legal power.
Ever had someone step on your toes, legally speaking? That’s where a cease and desist comes into play. It’s like a formal way of saying, ‘Hey, cut it out!’ Whether you’re dealing with someone using ...
Michigan regulators continued its crusade against offshore online casino and sportsbook operators with five new orders this ...
But within hours of showing their film about a young Donald Trump to the world, two Irish producers received a ‘cease and desist’ letter - from the US president. The then-former president ...
An attorney representing Member of Parliament Daryl Vaz has issued a letter to controversial vlogger Andre Stephens, ...
Attorneys are questioning why the spouse of a former Faith Life Church employee sought a civil protection order against church critics.
A previous cease-and-desist order was issued in November when Sable started work without a coastal development permit. It expired February 10th. Sable stopped work during that time, but crews were ...
The Florida Gaming Control Commission (FGCC) announced it had sent a cease-and-desist letter to three offshore operators accepting illegal wagers in the Sunshine State. The bookmakers and casinos ...
Lana Sullivan, an attorney who represents Theodat in at least one of several civil lawsuits filed in Suffolk Superior Court, sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Herald. The letter seeks to ...
I will not engage in a petty pissing match with this governor and her taxpayer-paid staff,” Moylan said in a statement to the media, in response to Adelup’s cease-and-desist letter.
The company behind the "Canada Is Not For Sale" hats worn by Ontario Premier Doug Ford sent a cease-and-desist letter to a B.C. business selling merchandise with similar phrasing. The notice was ...