In math and computer science, researchers have long understood that some questions are fundamentally unanswerable. Now ...
Given the heavily physics-based gameplay in Eternal Strands, notably the ability to use telekinetic powers like grabbing and hurling large objects or enemies in the air, Unreal 5's Chaos physics ...
Others, though, seem to be reveling in the chaos. According to political scientists, at least some of this chaos-seeking behavior may be intricately tied to people’s sense of losing their ...
Topics include smooth and discrete dynamical systems, bifurcation theory, chaotic attractors, fractals, Lyapunov exponents, synchronization and networks of dynamical systems. Applications to ...
The swiftness of the announcements has caused chaos, with recipients of grants suddenly finding themselves unable to ... actions and services to the research community and our stakeholders,” NSF ...
Meanwhile, the mathematical understanding of quantum chaos, random matrix theory and spectral geometry has seen many important ... This workshop is also a satellite for the 21st International Congress ...