New map of ‘mega ripples’ caused by dinosaur-killing asteroid helps recreate extinction event - Findings may help predict ...
Seventy-five percent of life on Earth was obliterated after the asteroid impact at Chicxulub ... about the cause of this extinction, including the demise of the dinosaurs. However, new research ...
A crater at the edge of the Yucatán peninsula ... Sun-blocking dust from asteroid impact drove the dinosaur extinction The Chicxulub impact 66 million years ago filled the sky with fine silicate ...
THE world’s oldest-known crater from an asteroid smash 3.5 billion years ago has been discovered in the Australian outback.
Dinosaurs went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period 65 million years ago. Now scientists have found extraordinary evidence which documents the colossal asteroid impact event. It was widely ...
“Such a rapid recovery . . . is remarkable.” Study coauthor Chris Lowry, a postdoc at the University of Texas, and colleagues made the discovery after analyzing rock samples taken from beneath ...
It's thought that the meteor hit the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico (with the area now known as the Chicxulub crater ... the rapid and global extinction of non-avian dinosaurs across the globe.
66 million years ago an asteroid hit the planet. Now an expedition is underway to drill 1500m into the crater it created - the Chicxulub asteroid impact crater, aiming to unearthing the secrets that ...
The Chicxulub asteroid strike is well-known for its role in dinosaur extinction, but new findings ... Asteroid Impact A lesser-known crater, the Nadir, was discovered off the coast ...
Scientists have concluded that the impact that created this crater occurred 65 million years ago. The date corresponds perfectly to the date of the dinosaur extinction. Rare Metal The metal ...
At the start of the period, dinosaurs ruled the loosening ... Whether or not the asteroid or comet that carved the Chicxulub crater caused the extinction of more than half the planet's species ...