Garrett Baker demonstrates how the children of imprisoned parents — particularly since the era of mass ... “They don’t dream as big, or believe they’re as worthy as success as people raised in a ...
He works with the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree to help get donations for children while their parents are serving time. “There are so many incarcerated parents inside the state of Kansas.
Federal data indicates that one eighth of all children in homes investigated by child welfare authorities have a parent who was recently arrested. A smaller but significant percentage of currently ...
More than 50,000 befriending sessions have been held with children of incarcerated parents or former offenders in the past 10 years. In prison, case workers carry out one-on-one visits with the ...
Financial aid resources are also available for students with incarcerated parents. The National Children of the Incarcerated Scholarship Program, part of the Creative Corrections Education ...
Over 2.7 million American children currently have a parent who is incarcerated. Meanwhile, an increasing number of picture books have been published that represent the experiences of children with ...
Her young daughter was taken from her, like so many other children whose parents become incarcerated. While she was enrolled in diversion, she was not offered wraparound services, financial ...
In an alert to supporters this week, the Catholic Conference of Kentucky said the state “ranks second in the nation in the percentage of children with an incarcerated parent.” “Sometimes ...