There are two types of bloom that can occur in a chocolate bar: fat bloom and sugar bloom. Chocolate that has been exposed to heat or when it’s not stored properly can have fat bloom.
It's called "bloom," and it's a harmless, though mildly disappointing, side effect of science at work in your sweet indulgence. Whether your chocolate has fallen victim to fat or sugar bloom ...
The dark part in the middle is fire.” According to Cocoa Supply, there are two types of chocolate blooms: fat and sugar. The fat bloom occurs when the chocolate isn’t well-tempered or is ...
According to researchers, consuming milk chocolate may be a "fat-burner in postmenopausal women" - but you need to eat at a specific time. Whilst eating the sweet treat may not seem like the right ...
Molly is currently investigating the crystallisation of lipids for the production of vegan/low carbon footprint chocolate under the supervision of Prof Michael Rappolt and Dr Elena Simone.