However, the classic style, at least when we think of JRPGs, conjures up images of mages, ferocious monsters, and a top-down perspective. Either way, these JRPGs bring a different flavor than what ...
Perfect for fans of classic JRPGs, and those looking for a new world to fall in love with. What's captivating about Chained Echoes is how every aspect of the game reinforces the others.
With familiars, magic, and a cast of characters to meet, the remastered version of Level-5's classic JRPG really is a treat. As you are playing it, it truly feels like you are starring in one of ...
Will the PS2 RPGs below ever get their time in the sun like some of their peers have? Classic JRPGs are great, but those pesky random encounters can really be a downer. Thankfully, these PS2 JRPGs ...
PC gaming is on the rise, attracting console franchises like JRPGs for unique combat experiences. Granblue Fantasy: Relink and Tokyo Xanadu eX+ offer excellent combat mechanics to hook players.
Living a new life is often associated with endless adventure, but not every JRPG needs to be fraught with infinite action. That gets tiresome after a while. We have your back if you crave the ...
Classic JRPG fans, rejoice. The Lunar Remastered Collection will be coming to Nintendo Switch on 18th April 2025. Plus, it's confirmed that the collection will be getting a physical release.
Skies of Arcadia is one of the most beloved JRPGs ever made, but decades after its original release fans are still begging for some kind of follow-up. Now, hope is springing once again as Sega has ...