But new research says sheep cloned using the same method as that which created Dolly show no obvious detrimental long-term health effects. Dipti Kapadia reports.
The goat clones were reportedly created by somatic cell cloning which involves transferring ... genetic material needed to produce a new sheep. Dolly was derived from an egg cell from a Scottish ...
PPL Therapeutics (Edinburgh, UK), the company that, along with the Roslin Institute, cloned Dolly the sheep, announced on March 14 that it had created the first pigs cloned from adult cells.
The death of Dolly the sheep, the first animal to be cloned from an adult cell, has sparked renewed fears over the safety of cloning techniques. The Roslin Institute announced the decision was ...
(Qiang Sun and Mu-ming Poo/Chinese Academy of Sciences/PA Wire) TWO monkeys have followed in the footsteps of Dolly the Sheep by becoming the world’s first primates to be cloned from transferred ...
The most famous cloned animal, Dolly the sheep, was created in 1996. Scientists reprogrammed a cell from another sheep to turn them into embryos which are building block cells that can grow into ...
(The world's first cloned mammal was a sheep named Dolly back in 1996.) There is no denying that Schubarth violated various laws when he set out to clone argali sheep. According to the U.S. Depa ...
On Tuesday scientists told the world that four clones of Dolly the sheep, known as the Nottingham Dollies, are alive and in good health. In fact, they're almost indistinguishable from non-cloned ...