美东时间3月20日周三,美联储在联储的货币政策委员会FOMC会后宣布,联邦基金利率的目标区间继续保持在4.25%至4.5%不变。这是美联储连续第二次货币政策会议决定暂停降息。同时,美联储公布,将从下月起放慢缩减资产负债表(缩表)的步伐。这是联储自去年 ...
The gap between the benchmark New York Comex futures price and the London Metal Exchange price widened to more than $1,160 per tonne this week, surpassing its February high point of about $1,149 — a ...
Copper prices have surged past $10,000 per ton due to US president Donald Trump's potential tariffs. The move has led to a ...
LONDON: London copper prices hit a five-month high on Thursday breaking above a major psychological mark of $10,000 per ...