If you experience sudden, severe pain in any part of your body, call 999 or go to the emergency department. If the pain is ...
Thigh compartment syndrome is uncommon and may go unrecognized. Signs and symptoms include a history of thigh swelling and/or hematoma and pain after minor injury in a patient who is anticoagulated.
Acute compartment syndrome usually occurs with trauma ... Yet to be resolved are the cause and pathophysiology of pain in CECS and the question of radioisotope imaging's value in diagnosing ...
If you have a feeling of 'numbness, weakness or pins and needles' the NHS that you may need to seek help - and fast. The ...
This paper discusses the common causes of exercise induced lower leg pain, including chronic compartment syndrome (CCS), medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) and chronic calf tears (CCT). The ...
Intracompartmental pressure testing is considered the ‘gold standard’ for investigating chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS ... test will help to eliminate other potential coexisting causes ...