Computational Biology is an interdisciplinary field that develops and applies computational methods to understand and predict biological systems, and to address societal challenges. The Computational ...
Computational Biology is one of the most important and exciting areas in all of science and technology, as it is positioned at the intersection of modern biology, quantitative modeling and ...
The 30-credit bioinformatics and computational biology program is designed for students with academic backgrounds in the life sciences, mathematics, computer science, health sciences, engineering and ...
Taught by top-tier faculty of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology program offers a choice between two tracks that accounts for students’ ...
Embark on interdisciplinary research at Dalhousie, merging computational biology and bioinformatics. This customizable program emphasizes hands-on research and support from diverse faculty, tailored ...
Degree requirements: Background in calculus, general physics, organic chemistry, biochemistry and general biology, including genetics. Students intending to do research in computational biology should ...
The Perspectives article, "Applying Interpretable Machine Learning in Computational Biology -; Pitfalls, Recommendations and Opportunities for New Developments," is featured in the journal's ...