Allergic contact dermatitis represents a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction (Type IV hypersensitivity). There are four types of hypersensitivity reactions, which include Type I, immediate-type ...
Protein contact dermatitis is an allergic skin reaction induced principally by proteins of either animal or plant origin. The clinical presentation is that of a chronic dermatitis, and it is often ...
In particular, alterations in sweating mechanisms, the hydrolipid barrier, and surface bacterial flora, together with exposure to atmospheric conditions and the need to use medicaments, detergents, ...
Understanding more about the mechanism behind what causes itching could allow researchers to create better medicines and treatments for skin conditions like contact dermatitis. Itching is unlike ...
Researchers studied genetically modified mice that lack NP2 itch-sensing neurons, to investigate the connection between itch, scratch, and inflammation.