回望《CS》系列的辉煌过往,《CS》游戏经历了无数版本的更迭,而《CS 1.6》在玩家心中有着无法取代的历史地位,堪称“梦开始的地方”。而原因也很简单,《CS 1.6》的低配置要求、丰富的游戏模式和怀旧情感,都已在玩家心中根植。
最近,《CS2》打破了由《CS:GO》创造的Steam在线人数纪录,182万的同时在线玩家,再度证明了这个拥有二十余年历史的FPS游戏鼻祖,依旧保持着迅猛势头。回望《CS》系列的辉煌过往,《CS》游戏经历了无数版本的更迭,而《CS ...
"Hopefully Valve allows this to get released without any issues…" ...
根据预告片的信息,我们可以看到《CS: Legacy》将忠实还原原版《CS 1.6》中令人难以忘怀的经典元素,其中包括标志性的“核弹”地图。这张地图在玩家心中占据着举足轻重的位置,当年无数战斗围绕着她展开,而如今,经过重制的“核弹”地图将会以怎样的面貌回归?这无疑是众多老玩家所关注的话题。
A legendary FPS is making a comeback, but not in the way you might expect. While modern titles continue to push the ...
Perhaps the most beloved game in Valve’s FPS series, Counter-Strike 1.6 is getting a total remake, built by the makers of the ...
“CS: Legacy is a fully standalone remake of Counter-Strike 1.6, built from the ground up with 100% custom game code and game assets. After the exciting Global Offensive transition to CS2, we wanted to ...
A remake of the legendary Counter-Strike 1.6 is set to launch on Steam this year - but Valve's history of shutting down fan projects remains a concern.
Classic Offensive, the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive mod that aimed to "recreate the 1.6 vibe" loved by longtime fans, ...
近日,备受期待的《CS:Legacy》正式宣布将于2025年登陆Steam平台,这款游戏由CS PROMODE的开发者匠心打造,是对经典第一人称射击游戏《Counter-Strike 1.6》的一次全面且独立的重制尝试。