Q: For those that don't know Cuckoo how would you describe him? What can viewers expect? A: Cuckoo’s an American back-packer, faux philosopher type. He’s done a lot of traveling and partying ...
Interview with Andy Samberg who plays Cuckoo in the new BBC Three comedy Cuckoo. Q: How did you get involved with the series? A: Ash Atalla contacted my manager, asked if I’d ever be interested ...
Cuckoo pits Hollywood stalwart Andy Samberg against British comedy giant Greg Davies. Ken and Lorna Thompson's daughter Rachel has returned from her gap year with a new husband, Cuckoo - self ...
Cuckoo (played by Andy Samberg) isn't the best son-in-law and is more interested in taking drugs than trying to better himself. Despite wrapping up six years ago, it is still a huge favourite and ...
Cast biographies for the new BBC Three comedy Cuckoo. Andy Samberg, born in Berkeley California, is a comedian, writer and actor. He is also a member of the comedy group The Lonely Island ...