在开源社区中,内核开发的动态时刻牵动着技术爱好者与开发者的心弦。近日,随着Linus Torvalds表态不再支持DMA映射层合并Rust抽象代码,围绕这一议题的争论逐渐平息。然而,伴随这一变化,开发者Christoph Hellwig的退出,给这一核心组件的未来带来了不确定性。
引发此事的核心人物是DMA映射工具的维护者Christoph Hellwig,他对Rust的引入保持抵触态度,并在最新邮件中表达了自己的深切担忧。Hellwig严厉批评道 ...
他将推翻维护者对内核中Rust代码的否决权。 DMA映射工具维护者Christoph Hellwig一直坚定反对Rust代码引入Linux内核,他在最新发布的一封邮件列表帖子中 ...
Rust语言以其卓越的内存安全性著称 ... AsahiLinux负责人Hector Martin因对DMA补丁争议处理不满,选择辞去维护者职务。这一现象凸显了开源社区在高 ...
With his blockade of the Rust DMA code and the resulting debates, he has now caused a huge stir, as two well-known developers have withdrawn from Linux development as a result: The Rust DMA ...
DMA 全称 Direct Memory Access,即直接存储器访问)映射工具维护者 Christoph Hellwig 一直反对引入 Rust 代码,他认为这将威胁 Linux 内核的长期可维护性。
In both cases, it is no longer about the Rust DMA blockade – but mainly about factors in the development and project management of the Linux kernel that have been repeatedly criticized for decades.
As we reported previously, kernel maintainer Christoph Hellwig pushed back on a patch to help Rust-based device drivers call the direct memory access (DMA) API in the kernel's C-based core.