欧洲股市周一抹去早市涨幅转跌,泛欧Stoxx 600指数跌0.7%,德国股市跌幅居前。英国富时100指数跌52点或0.6%,报8,627点。德国DAX ...
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欧洲央行如预期宣布再减息四分一厘,欧洲股市周四个别发展,泛欧Stoxx 600指数最新跌0.1%。英国富时100指数跌68点或0.8%,报 ...
DAX futures allow investors to gain exposure to all the stocks listed on the DAX exchange. The DAX index is a blue chip index consisting of the 40 largest stocks on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange ...
Germany is expected to pass a major spending bill on defence and infrastructure, allowing the country to unleash hundreds of ...