在金融市场的技术分析领域,DDZ 指标是一个备受关注的工具。DDZ 指标,全称为大单差分指标,它主要用于衡量交易中主力资金的买卖力度和方向。 DDZ 指标的计算涉及一系列复杂的数学公式和数据处理。它通过对逐笔成交数据的分析,将每笔交易按照单子的大小 ...
Following his reddit post detailing how he wasn't involved in the matchfixing scandal, ddz has posted an apology on his Facebook page, admitting his part in the matchfixing, stating that they were ...
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) have for the first time studied the temporal course of insulin action on protein kinases in human muscle ...