Tea is full of health boosting benefits, but we probably drink too much of it. Are we better off switching to decaf?
While the “caffeinated” label on certain tea products is self-explanatory, there’s much confusion over decaffeinated vs. caffeine-free tea. There’s a difference between the two descriptors.
0.001%, of residual methylene chloride) after processing decaffeinated tea and coffee is bad for a person’s health,” says Glover. “If you’re worried, you can always choose decaffeinated ...
60 study participants were given capsules of catechins derived from decaffeinated green tea for 12 weeks. The researchers found that the incorrect response rate on another test of cognitive ...
“Based on our observations we feel that polyphenols, bioactive compounds found in all different types of caffeinated coffee, decaf coffee and tea, may be protective,” she said. “They have ...
Even decaffeinated coffee or tea can have as much as 15 milligrams. The recommendations were issued for children between the ages of five and 18, and suggested that this age group only drink water ...