Doescher: And I'll be back next week with a brand new episode. But, until then? Roll it, John Popp. Doescher: Dr. Guelzo, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence is a remarkable story.
“Before the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, we were here,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently wrote. “Before the pen of ...
Of all his writings, Thomas Jefferson's most famous and far-reaching was undoubtedly his draft of the Declaration of Independence. Although the issue of slavery was widely debated -- both the ...
The Declaration of Independence, along with the preamble ... What he had instead was firsthand knowledge of injustice and scars on his back to remind him of it. Frederick Douglass hated this ...
Here they achieved independence and created a culture of ... Jews strove throughout the centuries to go back to the land of their fathers and regain their statehood. In recent decades they ...
A copy of the Declaration of Independence known as the July 1776 Essex Broadside will go on the block later this month. Courtesy of Sotheby's Later this month, Sotheby’s will auction off a rare ...
COBURN: So you wouldn’t embrace what the Declaration of Independence says, that we have certain inalienable and God-given rights that aren’t given in the Constitution, that are ours ...