A degree audit report is a tool that tracks degree requirements. We recommend reviewing an up-to-date degree audit every semester to help yourself stay on track toward graduation. A degree audit: ...
DegreeWorks is a web-based tool for students to monitor their academic progress toward degree completion. DegreeWorks allows for students and their advisors to plan future academic coursework. What is ...
Your degree audit is an interactive, real-time document that matches the courses you have taken (or are registered for) with your degree requirements, based on your major, to keep you on track for ...
What do you need to complete your program/s? Rather than trying to figure out your program requirements on your own, there's a tool you can use to help determine exactly what's required and what ...
The Degree Audit is a report of degree requirements based on a student's declared area(s) of study. It includes all earned and in-progress credit on the student’s record and applies that credit to ...
Failure to understand these regulations and requirements does not relieve them of this responsibility. The degree audit report is an unofficial advising report designed to assist students and advisors ...
u.achieve® is the degree audit tool used to allow students and their advisor to track academic progress toward degree completion. The interactive audit compares completed (or in-progress) course work ...
Degree audits are available for undergraduate students in Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences (MCAS), Carroll School of Management (CSOM), Connell School of Nursing (CSON), Lynch School of ...
Before meeting with their advisor, each student will update their customized plan and review their degree audit worksheet. When meeting with their advisor, each student should be prepared to review ...
Transfer credit is defined as any credit earned at another accredited institution, credits earned on another campus of the CU system, or credits earned as a non-degree student within the CU system.
The Senior Degree Audit (SDA) process is an audit of a student’s academic record to ensure that the student is on the right path toward graduation and commencement. The main purpose of the SDA meeting ...