Floppy Disks: Storage relics of a bygone era Floppy ... the device was right next to my boss's desk. The pager, once a ubiquitous tool for communication in the pre-smartphone era, is far from ...
something like five billion floppy disks were made per year in the 1990s. This means that there are still a lot of disks out there, though mostly at the bottom of many dusty desk drawers and ...
For many of us the passing of the floppy disk is unlamented, but there remains a corps of experimenters for whom the classic removable storage format still holds some fascination. The interface ...
When Sony stopped manufacturing new floppy disks in 2011, most assumed the outdated storage medium – of which there is only a finite, decreasing number left – would die off. Although from a ...
PCs used two types of floppy disks. The first was the 5.25" floppy (diskette), which became ubiquitous in the 1980s. It was superseded by the 3.5" floppy in the mid-1990s. Very bendable in its ...