Since then, there has been a rapid increase in the world’s population so that in 2011 it passed 7 billion. The majority of this population growth is, again, in the developing world.
Luxembourg’s rate of approximately 1.25 births per woman in 2023 is one of the lowest in the entire EU, according to data ...
Birth rates have fallen and are expected to drop further in less developed countries ... The current 13-year difference in median age between developed and developing countries is much larger than it ...
Twinning has fascinated people for ages, and research shows that some regions and countries of the world experience higher twin birth rates than others. A recent study across 76 developing nations ...
The aging of this generation and continued declines in fertility are shifting the population balance in developed countries from young to old. In the developing world, reductions in mortality ...
Vietnam is relaxing its two-child policy to tackle the sharp decline in birth rate amid concerns for the ageing population.