Within the first month postinsertion, there were no significant intergroup differences in terms of infection complication rates or noninfection complication rates. (HealthDay News) — Similar ...
Similar postinsertion complication and technical survival rates are seen with single- and double-purse-string suture catheter insertion methods for peritoneal dialysis, according to a study published ...
The Global Market for Chronic Hemodialysis Catheters has exhibited steady growth, with its valuation rising from $354 million in 2019 to an anticipated $446 million by 2027. This report provides an in ...
The conventional surgery for removal of Continuous Peritoneal Dialysis catheter is similar to open insertion technique and requires the surgeon to either go through the same incision or make a ...
Central venous dialysis catheter placement was required in 14 patients as a support during dialysis for either a prolonged maturation phase of the fistula, secondary hematoma formation ...
Use of high-dose (46.7%) sodium citrate locks for central venous catheters (CVCs) being used for maintenance hemodialysis provides no advantage over 5% heparin locks in reducing infections or ...
A close relationship with the Department of Radiology is maintained for both surveillance and rescue of fistulas and grafts. Placement of catheters for peritoneal dialysis is also offered. Patients ...