The first attempts to produce a biologically-based fuel to replace mineral petrol and diesel, continued to look ... The Promise of Algae Biofuels." Report by the Natural Resources Defense Council ...
(We've seen many diesel conversions that run on veggie ... Some of the advantages of using algae for fuel is the ease of growth compared with growing corn (the basis of E85 ethanol fuel) for ...
These provide us with food, fuel and a wide range of renewable ... Professor Hankamer estimates that the price of algae-generated diesel is currently about three times higher than commercial ...
A group of scientists has discovered a species of algae that is capable of being selectively bred and could help create a renewable alternative to fossil fuels. Algae has already been used to ...
Algae is high in oil content, potentially providing much higher yields of fuel than any other current crop - as much as 100 times more than soy, for example. Researchers at the University of ...
As a solution to the fuel crisis, a group of researchers from the Ruhunu University have come up with a method of producing diesel out of used coconut scrapings and algae.