Discord is getting mobile ads, but the social messaging app claims they won't be intrusive and that you can disable them.
Developers can now add Discord features right into their games, which is going to make it a lot easier for us to chat with ...
1990年登陆GameBoy平台的解谜佳作《泡泡幽灵》即将迎来完全重制。这款由Nakama Game Studio开发、SelectaPlay发行的新作将于3月27日登陆PC与PS5平台,其中PS5版为主机独占,这让许多期待移植到Nintendo Switch的玩家感到意外。本文将揭示这一游戏重制的背后,分析其特色、对比评测以及玩家反馈,探讨为何这款老游戏能再次引起轰动。
With the exception of PLAYERUNKNOWN Prologue: Go Wayback, the listed games have been confirmed for release on PS5. In ...
Party Club has taken over Steam since yesterday, but will console players have a chance to play it? Here’s everything you ...