Navigating pet ownership during divorce can be difficult. Joint custody can ensure stability and happiness for your dog.
Europe's top rights court on Thursday ruled in favor of a 69-year-old French woman whose husband obtained a divorce on the grounds that she stopped having sex with him. The European Court of Human ...
identified only as H.W. in court documents, was at fault in the divorce after stopping “intimate relations” with her husband. Her refusal for years to be intimate with her husband, that court ...
A French woman who stopped having sex with her husband has been vindicated by Europe’s top human rights court this week after they ruled she could not be blamed for her divorce. The European ...
In a divorce, the courts would look at who paid for the pet ... and to answer this question: What is in the best interests of the animal?” Gislason observes, adding, “It is always best for ...
When couples divorce, the marital residence is often one of the most valuable assets to divide. As such, determining whether one party will retain the marital residence or whether the parties will ...