Long-term nemolizumab use reduces itch, disease severity, and steroid dependence in patients with prurigo nodularis in a ...
LEO Pharma A/S, a global leader in medical dermatology, today presented late-breaking data showcasing responses in a subgroup of patients from the DEL ...
Risankizumab was associated with more significant improvements among patients with plaque psoriasis when compared with other biologic therapies.
Bimekizumab significantly reduces PASI, BSA, and DLQI scores, achieving near-complete remission by weeks 12 to 16 in psoriasis patients. Inflammation and cardiovascular risk markers, including C ...
Severe mpox and long-term sequelae such as severe scarring were more likely to occur among HIV-positive patients with detectable viral loads and low CD4 counts.
At week 16, Armstrong said, 30% of treated patients vs 9.4% of patients on placebo achieved an HESD itch of 0/1, 35.2% vs 16% achieved HESD pain of 0/1, and 33.3% vs 13.9% achieved a DLQI score of ...
Quality of life also improved significantly, reflected in a reduction of the DLQI score from an average of 13/30 to 9/30. Notably, one-third of patients achieved a DLQI score reduction of four ...
The results found that mean DLQI scores improved from a "very large effect on patient's life" score (11.14) at baseline to a "small effect on patient's life" score (4.57) at week 48 following ...