Doraemon and his friends travel to ancient Japan where they meet Kukuru. When Kukuru tells them that his tribe has been enslaved by Gigazombie, Doraemon decides to help him.
Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: August 2-8 (Aug 2, 2020) Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: July 19-25 (Jul 18, 2020) Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: July 12-18 (Jul 11, 2020) Japan's Animation ...
Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, May 6-12 (May 14, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, April 29-May 5 (May 7, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, March 11-17 (Mar 19, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD ...
The day was the 88th anniversary of the birth of its creator, the legendary Fujiko F. Fujio. “Doraemon: Door to the Future” in the ward-run Miyashita Park in the capital’s Shibuya Ward ...