is a character beloved by millions of children. Doraemon tells the story of a young boy named Nobita who often finds himself in trouble. Doraemon, who has come from the 22nd century, helps Nobita ...
The game features original story lore where Nobita and Doraemon decide to run a Japanese confectionery store to help its injured owner while receiving free Dorayaki cakes in return. Other than ...
A game where you run a sweets shop with the popular manga character Doraemon. Let’s make Doraemon’s favorite dorayaki and create a store that will be the talk of the town. First, make the ...
The country in which the story of Doraemon and Nobita is based is Japan. A famous animated show of Japan, Shinchan, is still very popular among children. Its Hindi dubbed version is more popular ...
Developer Kairosoft announced the shop management game, Doraemon Dorayaki Shop Story, will launch for PC via Steam on December 9. The game first released for the Nintendo Switch in August ...
The children have penned their dream presents on Doraemon-themed cards. These are hung on Christmas trees at UOL Malls’ Kinex, Velocity@Novena Square and United Square. Ask your kids to select ...