一百年前,人类首次记录下第一条脑电波,如今,这一束火花支撑起了半个脑科学。本文中,我们梳理了来自全球500余位专家的声音:他们的关注重点,优先事项和下一步的行动呼吁,既是对过往百年的敬意,也是对未来百年的期许。让我们共同投身这场连接心智与电波的伟大旅 ...
Explore the evolution of brain–computer interface (BCI) technology, including its fundamental limitations and future ...
They adopted a dynamic stopping strategy to empower high-speed BCI, allowing the adaptive collection of sufficient electroencephalography (EEG) signals for precise measurement. In 2018 ...
Paralyzed man controls a robotic arm using his thoughts for seven months without requiring recalibration using a ...
EPOC also includes a two-axis gyroscope to detect the wearer's head motion and orientation. Emotiv EPOC is a novel, commercial device shifting from the medical EEG paradigm to affordable devices for ...
Cognixion announced today that it launched a clinical trial evaluating its integrated, wearable augmented reality and BCI device.
China's healthcare authority on Wednesday issued a pricing guideline for neural system care services, which specifically listed brain-computer interface (BCI) as an independent category, paving the ...
A myotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects muscle control, and most patients reach a point at which either the disease itself or ...
Cognixion's Axon-R headset is a device designed to read brain activity using EEG as a direct input for controls. Using brain responses as inputs, the tech is looking to give back communication to ...