每经AI快讯,有投资者在投资者互动平台提问:请问公司有产品或服务可以用于机器人及人形机器人吗? 在机器人及人形机器人方面与小米、宇树机器人、华为、塞力斯、比亚迪、蚂蚁集团、特斯拉、figure AI等公司有合作吗?如有,合作哪些内容?谢谢! 信测标准 ...
The HPC & AI Innovation Lab provides customers and partners access to cutting-edge technology including the latest-generation of Dell EMC products. “We are an engineering lab that builds ...
“AI is a seismic shift in healthcare technology,” said Jusup Halimi, President Director of EMC Healthcare. “With its advanced AI functionality and decades of proven reliability, InterSystems ...