上面展示的这几张照片都来自EOS R100,这是佳能在2023年5月发布的一款APS-C画幅专微相机。目前,全新国行套机(包含18-45mm镜头)仅需3699元,如果能叠加政府补贴(部分城市参与),还可以再便宜一些。
2025年3月27日,佳能(中国)有限公司正式发布创意视频机EOS R50 V。继推出CINEMA EOS系统以及PowerShot V系后,此次佳能※1面向视频内容创作者以及视频博主推出了新的EOS V系。EOS R50 ...
Despite this being the entry model in Canon’s EOS R lineup of mirrorless cameras, there’s nothing sluggish or heel dragging about the performance here. We were impressed with the detail and ...
There are currently four Canon EOS R camera bodies with an APS-C sensor that ... has a full-frame equivalent of 28.8-80mm, while the 10-18mm has an equivalent of 16-28.8mm. This is for both ...