大部分研究(96%)使用时间权衡(Time Trade-Off,TTO)方法,其中部分研究还结合了视觉模拟量表(Visual Analogue Scale,VAS);EQ-5D-3L 是主要使用的版本,部分研究使用了 EQ-5D-5L 或 EQ-5D+ 。多数研究(61%)遵循 EQ-VT 或 MVH 协议。 研究结果表明,年龄对 EQ-5D 健康状态的 ...
最初的 EQ-5D 仪器(EQ-5D-3L)中每个维度有三个等级,后来 2009 年发布的五等级仪器(EQ-5D-5L)在每个维度增加了两个等级 ,其测量更加敏感。 随着 EQ-5D-5L 的出现,EuroQol 小组引入了标准化的估值协议,即 EuroQol 估值技术(EQ-VT),包含离散选择实验(DCE ...
This is the EQ-5D-3L. A new version of the instrument, EQ-5D-5L, includes five levels of severity for each dimension (no problems, slight problems, moderate problems, severe problems, and extreme ...
For most of that time, there has been only 1 version of the descriptive system, EQ‑5D‑3L. In this version, respondents rate their degree of impairment in different health domains using 3 response ...
NICE does not recommend any specific source and, as a result, submissions differ in the way age adjustments are made. This report provides information on different sources of EQ-5D-3L by age. It also ...