Intel将会使用High-NA EUV光刻机生产14A也就是1.4nm级工艺产品 ,但具体时间和产品未定,有可能在2026年左右量产,或许用于未来的Nova Lake、Razer Lake。
快科技2月26日消息,ASML Twinscan EXE:5000 EUV是当今世界上最先进的EUV极紫外光刻机,支持High-NA也就是高孔径,Intel去年抢先拿下了第一台,目前已经在 ...
然而,这类芯片的制造高度依赖极紫外(EUV)光刻技术,该技术本身的规模化瓶颈已成为制约行业发展的关键障碍。 自2019年首批商用EUV芯片问世以来,设备迭代、掩模生成和光刻胶技术的持续改进已使该技术趋于稳定。尽管良率持续提升,但与成熟度更高的深 ...
快科技2月25日消息,Intel宣布,ASML首批两台高数值孔径(High-NA EUV)极紫光刻机已经在其工厂投入生产。初步数据显示,其效率、可靠性比上一代EUV ...
这是美光内存第一次用上EUV极紫外光刻工艺,而三星、SK海力士早就用了,不过美光这次同时还引入了下一代HKMG金属栅极技术,预计全新的BEOL后端 ...
Extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) lithography at 13.5 nm is expected to be introduced in high-volume semiconductor chip production over the next three years. Research is now underway to investigate sub-10 ...
近日,雪佛兰在巴西市场震撼发布了一款全新的电动SUV——Spark EUV。这款车型源自通用汽车与中国上汽通用五菱的强强联合,其原型为宝骏悦也Plus。
Based on Tiktok and X, a picture of a Chinese machine with the bold inscription “EUV” is circulating. Many conclude from this that China could soon be producing chips using highly complex ...
The new-for-2022 Bolt EUV (electric utility vehicle) is a taller, roomier version of the Bolt. Both the Bolt EV and the EUV share the same 200-hp electric motor that drives the front wheels ...