Avatar: The Last Airbender's strong earthbenders like Toph and Avatar Kyoshi leave Avatar: Seven Havens’ new earthbending ...
At present, no official images have been released regarding the upcoming Avatar though it seems from the official description ...
Today, Nickelodeon announced that the Avatar saga (which began with The Last Airbender) will continue with Avatar: Seven ...
When analyzed closer, Avatar Seven Havens fits more in line with the series than it might initially appear to even the most ...
Ladies and gentlemen, the newest Avatar production has just been confirmed. Introducing “Avatar: Seven Havens.”  In ...
A brand new Avatar series, Seven Havens, has been announced, so here is everything Nickelodeon must include for he new show ...
Constantly on the hunt from both human and spirit enemies, the young earthbending Avatar reunites with her long-lost twin to save the Seven Havens before civilization’s last remaining stronghold ...