This page contains information on El Niño, La Niña, and how these important patterns influence your weather here in Canada. Browse our video and news galleries and feel free to share this ...
Scientists were somewhat surprised when the world notched its warmest January on record this year despite the presence of a ...
El Niño and La Niña are climate phenomena that are generally associated with wetter and drier winter conditions in the Southwestern United States, respectively. In 2023, however, a La Niña year proved ...
This spot is famous for creating oscillating weather patterns known as El Niño and La Niña. Here's how these patterns control winter weather in the United States. Following is a transcript of ...
However, one agricultural meteorologist says as El Niño fades, La Niña is already knocking at the door, and it could bring dryness to the southern U.S. The biggest question is now timing.
Axios Visuals. Note the warm water anomalies along the west coast of South America. While a weak La Niña is taking place in the tropical Pacific Ocean, a unique phenomenon is developing along South ...