There are many distinct, key elements about Skyrim that prove to players again and again that it's always worth their time.
在游戏界,有些作品如同璀璨的星辰,在时间的长河中熠熠生辉。《上古卷轴5:天际重制版》(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition)无疑是这样一颗耀眼的明星。最近的一则消息再次证明了这款游戏的魅力——它的Mod下载量已经突破了惊人的70亿次大关!
Skyrim's vast world and freedom of choice can be overwhelming, but taking a certain route can cut down complications and make ...
What are the best Skyrim mods? They can be tough to find because there’s a lot of them. They’re the work of a thriving and diverse scene; an army of fans and bedroom coders determined to make ...
Producer Jeff Gardiner used the last two weeks before Skyrim's release to doublecheck and refine the balance of the game's ...
After nearly eight years of being on Switch, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is finally being sold for a new low price that won't last long.
前Bethesda制作人杰夫·加丁纳(Jeff Gardiner),曾参与《上古卷轴5:天际》(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)的开发。尽管他已离开这家公司,任职长达15年,但最近在接受采访时透露了一些Bethesda游戏开发过程中的趣闻。其中最引人关注的是,《上古卷轴5》中的小生物——蚂蚁和蝴蝶,居然一度严重影响了游戏性能。
Skyrim is one of gaming’s greatest RPGs, offering an adventure like no other, and you can now grab the Switch version at a record-low price.
Even though we are now almost fourteen years and two console generations out from its release, the modding scene for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is still going strong. The sheer ...