India has the second-largest clean power capacity development pipeline globally after China, with nearly 56,000 megawatts of ...
The decade-long energy transition campaign never really took hold, and now appears in retreat as coal makes a resurgence in ...
Indonesia's new national electricity master plan announced in November projects growth in renewables but also a sharp rise in ...
The new plan raises "concerns that Indonesia's latest electricity masterplan could significantly increase coal power generation", Ember said. Jakarta previously said its renewable energy mix would ...
The 25TWh shortfall in wind generation compared with coal-fired generation in 2024 is around half of the amount of electricity produced by Europe’s wind farms each month, according to Ember.
THE country's planned expansion of "captive" coal plants used to power industry is threatening its pledge to cut CO2 emissions by 2030 and close all coal-fired plants by a decade later, said a report.