evaluated whether adding ketamine to a standard sedative regimen improved the sedation achieved by a standard sedative regimen alone. The study included 175 patients due to undergo endoscopic ...
131 consecutive patients undergoing colonoscopy with conscious sedation at the authors' center completed a pre-endoscopy sleep questionnaire and a physical examination that was designed to detect OSA.
The scale rates three sections of the colon, right (cecum and ascending colon), mid-colon (transverse and descending) and rectosigmoid, on a five-point scale (0–4). Total score (0–14) is ...
Propofol sedation by nonanesthesiologists is still a highly controversial issue despite the fact that numerous studies have approved this sedation regimen for gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Always ask your doctor about the prep for your specific procedure. After an endoscopy, you’ll be groggy from sedation. Whether you have an upper GI endoscopy or a colonoscopy, you should plan to ...