研究人员开发靶向 EpCAM 和 CLDN3 的双特异性抗体偶联药物(BsADC),有效抑制肿瘤生长且毒性低,为实体瘤治疗带来新选择。 在癌症治疗的战场上,抗体偶联药物(ADCs)就像是精准制导的导弹,它将抗体的特异性与细胞毒性药物的强大杀伤力相结合,能够精准地 ...
Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a biomarker for epithelial cell-derived tumors. However, the specific role of EpCAM itself in early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma progression remains ...
Evaluating disparities in prostate cancer-related mortality among diabetic adults in the United States and Texas: A 21-year observational study (1999-2020). This is an ASCO Meeting Abstract from the ...
Continued progress with lead program, CX-2051 (EpCAM PROBODY® Topo-1 ADC), in Phase 1a study in advanced colorectal cancer with initial Phase ...