1. The initial formation of the root hair is indicated by a general swelling of the outer wall of the epidermal cell. 2. The swelling is produced if the physical resistance of the wall is overbalanced ...
In human epidermis ... orchestrate cell death leading to proper barrier formation by the stratum corneum must be properly timed and coordinated for terminal differentiation to occur prior to ...
According to the classical understanding of plant gas exchange, the uncontrolled loss of water from plant aerial organs is restricted by epidermis that is covered by a hydrophobic layer called cuticle ...
The epidermis is ideally suited for studying the behaviour of progenitor cells because proliferation and differentiation occur within clearly defined regions (Box 1). The tissue consists of a ...
When rhizobia infect legume roots, root epidermal cells form infection threads, membranous tube-like structures guiding the bacteria to the inner root tissue where they can fix nitrogen. Rhizobial ...