A new smart watch which uses machine learning to monitor for the most dangerous kinds of epileptic seizures has been approved by the FDA. Cambridge, Massachusetts based Empatica is the company ...
A new four-bed epilepsy monitoring unit in Winnipeg will help people with the condition get better treatment, the province says. The unit began opening in phases at Health Sciences Centre in ...
Because only 73% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, "I know where to find additional epilepsy educational ... status epilepticus in the monitoring setting.
Orientation to the pediatric unit for new RNs was revised to include a lecture by a pediatric epileptologist explaining seizures, different types of epilepsy, the goals of seizure monitoring ...
The two residents in the epilepsy/EEG area usually rotate on a monthly basis between primary responsibility for the inpatient Seizure Monitoring Unit and primary responsibility for epilepsy outpatient ...
Using a range of genetically valid mouse models of epilepsy (or epilepsy risk), we employ state of the art home cage behavioral monitoring technology to understand how interictal behavior is directly ...
A recent report has described the use of video-electroencephalography (video-EEG) in the management of patients with atypical juvenile myoclonic epilepsy ... video-EEG monitoring, only four ...