I am the Senior Curator for Diptera and Siphonaptera. I manage the lower Brachycera, Mycetophilidae and Culicidae collections in Diptera, and the Siphonaptera collection. My specific interests lie ...
Despite a less than stellar public image, flies deserve our admiration, respect and thanks, so Dr Erica McAlister sets out to convince bestselling author and broadcaster Lucy Cooke. Join them behind ...
Erica McAlister uncovers a treasure trove of remarkable insights from the insect world that have led to innovations - from evolution to robotics and from genetics to forensics.
The answer is, perhaps surprisingly, maggots. Dr Erica McAlister, an entomologist and Senior Curator at the Natural History Museum in the UK, explores how having maggots munching away at the ...
Join Connor Phillips for his mid-morning mix of music, great guests and mischief. Entomologist Erica McAlister joins Connor for 'Ask us Anything' to talk about the secret life of flies ...