Our planet now faces a global extinction crisis never witnessed by humankind. Scientists predict that more than 1 million species are on track for extinction in the coming decades. But there’s still ...
Whether current biodiversity loss—a crisis by any measure—meets the criteria for another mass extinction is hotly debated. Much of the debate hinges on accurately measuring the scale of modern-day and ...
Current trends suggest we’re now in another extinction crisis, although it’s unclear if whether that amounts to a sixth mass extinction. The Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction event may have wiped ...
The Irvine Democrat said he sees the bill as a less controversial way for him to kick off his time in Congress.
Unfortunately, many of these species are already on the brink of extinction. In western Borneo, scientists described Plectocomiopsis hantu, known as the "ghost palm." This extraordinary plant ...
Japan's royals are currently facing an extinction crisis because women still aren't allowed to take the throne, and female births have outweighed male births in recent generations. The digital ...
The world's botanic gardens must pull together to protect global plant biodiversity in the face of the extinction crisis, amid restrictions on wild-collecting, say researchers. A major study of ...
We are thrilled to support Colossal as it accelerates and scales its mission to combat the animal extinction crisis.” “Colossal is a revolutionary genetics company making science fiction into ...
The rumpus within the Lagos State APC has continued to grow as opinions pile up on the usefulness or otherwise of the GAC.