当你发现一辆法拉利的里程数比你每天走的步数还少,是时候重新审视‘贫穷’这个词的含义了!日前,一辆1996年法拉利F50在RM苏富比拍卖会上以553.25万美元(约合3880万元人民币)成交,引发车迷圈的热议。更惊人的是,这辆车的里程表仅为2174公里,几乎连北京到上海的往返都不够!有网友调侃:“这分明是90年代工业文明的活体标本!” 法拉利F50,作为法拉利的“六大天王”之一,其背后的故事同样引人 ...
在车迷的心中,法拉利无疑是一座让人神往的高峰。近期,1996年的法拉利F50在RM苏富比拍卖会上一举以553.25万美元(约3880万人民币)成交,令人瞩目的是,这辆车的里程表仅显示2174公里,几乎相当于北京到上海的往返一趟半。这样的里程数,让人忍不住感叹:这不仅是一辆汽车,更令人类历史的见证。 法拉利F50,作为法拉利的经典之作,无疑是“六大天王”之一,代表着技术与艺术的完美结合。它的心脏是一 ...
The car's development took nearly a decade, with its chassis and body constructed from carbon fiber-reinforced polymer. The ...
In F1, data is king and is guarded from rival teams. In SailGP, all the race data is shared centrally, the aim being to keep the gap between the front and the back of the fleet as short as possible.
Many automakers love to harp on about having F1-derived tech or engines in their road cars, but Ferrari was the first to do it.
This test brings together some of the greatest analogue super cars, including the the mighty McLaren F1, Ferrari F40 and F50, Porsche Carrera GT, Noble M600, Pagani Zonda F and Lamborghini ...