科学家们开发出一种名为MELD Graph的人工智能(AI)工具,能够检测出64%人类放射科医生难以发现的与癫痫相关的脑部异常。这一突破有望彻底改变英国3万名患者及全球400万癫痫患者的护理方式。 这项由伦敦国王学院和伦敦大学学院(UCL)联合开展的研究,近日发表在《JAMA Neurology》期刊上。研究显示,MELD ...
A graph neural network using data from the Multicenter Epilepsy Lesion Detection (MELD) Project (MELD Graph) can detect ...
而在 MRI 检查阴性的患者中,神经病理学评估发现 30 - 50% 存在局灶性病变,其中局灶性皮质发育不良(FCD)和海马硬化(HS)最为常见。 超高场(UHF)MRI,即场强达到 7T 或更高的 MRI 技术,为癫痫致痫病变的检测带来了新的希望。与传统的 1.5T 或 3T MRI 相比 ...
它有时会独自出现,有时又会与其他异常,如局灶性皮质发育不良(Focal Cortical Dysplasia,FCD)、灰白质模糊(Grey-White Matter Blurring,GMB)以及颞极萎缩等结伴而行。然而,这些病变在 MRI 上并不总是那么容易被发现,尤其是 FCD 的某些类型和 GMB,它们就像狡猾的 ...
but which can be subtle and difficult to spot even by trained radiologists from regular MRI scans. There are around 4 million people worldwide with FCD epilepsy. Surgery is the best treatment ...
For the study, published in the JAMA Neurology journal, researchers used MRI data from 1,185 patients, including 703 with FCD, from 23 epilepsy centres around the world. Half of the data was from ...
For the study, published in the JAMA Neurology journal, researchers used MRI data from 1,185 patients, including 703 with FCD, from 23 epilepsy centres around the world. Half of the data was from ...