快速射电暴(FRB)是一种具有极高能量的宇宙无线电爆发,其时长通常在毫秒量级,能量(按照各向同性辐射估算)则高达10^36~10^41 ...
A research team led by McGill identifies neutron stars as the likely source of fast radio bursts, one of the universe's most ...
5 天
一点资讯 on MSN研究发现中子星可能是宇宙快速射电暴的重要来源由麦吉尔大学的研究人员领导的一个国际科学家小组提供了迄今为止最有力的证据,证明某些快速射电暴(FRB)来源于中子星--超新星爆炸后的大质量恒星的致密残余物。
This rethink was brought about by an FRB first detected last year, which has been traced back to the "cosmic graveyard" of a massive "dead" galaxy filled with ancient stars located 2 billion light ...
This revelation began with the identification of FRB 20240209A, first detected in February 2024 by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME). Unlike typical one-off FRBs ...
But there's one source unlike any other that may hold the key to solving the mystery. It's called FRB 121102. It's the only known FRB that repeats. Astronomers have observed over 150 flashes from ...
Scientists have traced a repeating fast radio burst (FRB) to the edge of an ancient galaxy where star formation has drastically dropped. Researchers are struggling to explain what caused it.
The Australian market recently closed on a positive note, with the ASX 200 gaining 0.29%, as sectors like Real Estate and Healthcare led the way despite ongoing concerns about inflation remaining high ...