The face centered cubic (FCC) unit cell begins with a totally different layer, one that is packed much more efficiently. This figure shows the basic layer that will be repeated throughout the entire ...
The simple cubic unit cell is delineated by eight atoms, which mark the actual cube. These are corner atoms, so each one only contributes one eighth of an atom to the unit cell, thus giving us only ...
The electronic configuration for the Ni atom is (Ar)(3d) 10 (4s) 2, and the atomic radius is 0.124 nm. At room temperature the crystal structure is face-centered-cubic with a basis of one Ni atom. The ...
It has a melting temperature of 660 C. The electronic configuration of Aluminum is (Ne)(3s) 2 (3p) 1, and it has an atomic radius of 0.143 nm. At room temperature Aluminum has the face-centered-cubic ...